Member-only story
Euphoria: {Vernation}
i am
these days it appears
attractive to young men
attracted too, of course, but that’s not news
and not newsworthy: young men are
by definition
even people who aren’t generally attracted to young men can see this
and even if they can’t see it, they are still
attracted to them
their gender their inclination their
their emotion their wisdom their inhibition, their assessment of any given
whether they want to or not and believe that they are or that they aren’t
all people
attracted to
young men
(except those few who are not and they are few and are not and are therefore the
the rule
is confirmed)
what’s new is that more than before
more than ever
as far as i ever can tell
(and often i can’t)
or recall (and i could if i would)
men half my age or just slightly older or occasionally just slightly younger still too
come to me, seek me out
not i them
of the men i have met, spoken to, spent time and been with lately
most, though not all, have been those
that are half my age or slightly older or on occasion slightly younger even
and who have come to me, sought me out
not i them
this flatters me, of course, maybe honours me, but more than that does it
fascinate me
because i don’t do anything to attract them, not
consciously: if anything i do the opposite
i grow a beard